Holding my breath to conquer my fear

As Ramamdan started, my Tunisian teacher took a break as it would have been difficult for her to manage teaching during Ramadan. I, however, decided to continue because I felt that any break would not be good for my progress in the water. I started going to pool with my 11 year old, or occasionally…

Tea, Chai, Karak & Doha Teasures

During all my years in the U.S., I hated traveling by car because I had withdrawals, not of drugs, addictive TV shows, or certain sweets or junk foods. The list can go on. I had tea withdrawals (all coffee drinkers, sincerely stop rolling your eyes). For me, the lack of tea during travel was stressful….

Osteoarthritis: Self-motivation after diagnosis

After my arthritis diagnosis, I had to do a lot of soul-searching. I didn’t really have a choice as I was bedridden for a couple of weeks, and even after I felt a bit better, my movement was restricted. Previously, I hadn’t really given it much thought, but that’s just me speeding through things, not…

Journey from a cat enthusiast to a social worker

I am sure many of us have seen a movie called “Pet Cemetery,” where cats are found in hundreds in some scenes, and the sight is meant to scare people. For me, any movie with scores of cats is a welcome sight, as I have always had this enormous appreciation for cats. In many countries,…

Aquaphobia – Facing the fears

Even when I could afford to go to Pakistan from the U.S. every year or even every six months, I did not want to go despite wanting to spend precious time with my family. I knew the plane would cross the Atlantic, and I have always had an enormous fear of water. If I saw…

The night I found a baby

It was a couple of days before Eid last year, the last days of Ramadan. Late one night, I went downstairs to feed the stray cats that lived around my building. After feeding, I was sitting on the low barrier separating our parking lot from the dirt plot next door, and I saw this small…

Discovery from simple pain to Arthritis

When I was finally forced to go to the doctor and get an x-ray (and later an MRI) done, my right knee was absolutely on fire. I could barely take a few steps to the bathroom. I knew in my thirties that I had arthritis, but I closed my eyes and never really paid attention….

Amoudia: Therapy for Tired Souls

The residential compound called Amoudia had plenty of date trees, aloe plants, and mango trees scattered throughout.  There were vegetables and herbs planted by the residents and the maintenance people. The cleaning and maintenance guys were not the best, and trash could be found strewn on the ground. The children’s playground showed signs of neglect….

Easy Soy Sauce Chicken

Ingredients: 1 whole chicken (sliced into parts) 7-8 Garlic Cloves (whole) 1 t-spoon ground black pepper 1 t-spoon crushed red pepper flakes ¼ cup of Soy Sauce Pinch of salt ¼ cup of oil RECIPE: Mix all the ingredients in a bowl, or just mix in the cooking pan. Turn on the  stove to a…

Life: Then & Now

Recently, my son left home to join his University in the United States, and a significant concern for us was his safety. I wonder how many remember when Islam and especially Pakistan were synonymous with lawlessness and terrorism, and chaos. My son was two months old when September 11 happened, and things changed so much…